Monday, May 21, 2012


Dennis and I will be traveling home in a couple of day for a short visit.  Our niece, Victoria, is graduating from high school...the beginning of her adult life!  She has so many adventures ahead of her.  The empty canvas is just waiting for that first brushstroke.  I envy her in a way.  I am trying to recall my thoughts and feelings from my own high school graduation, the anticipation of my life unfolding in front of me.  I don't really recall things as easily as my sister, Sandy, does.  She seems to remember many more things than I do! I remember the pictures that were taken that day.  I think I remember the feelings, but I'm not certain.  Is it unusual that someone can't quite recall the thoughts and feelings they had 23 years ago?  I don't think it is unusual at all.  I am not the same person I was then.  Because we are constantly changing, I couldn't expect to be the same person I was as an 18 year old, and that's not a bad thing.  My life ahead is still unfolding.  From this point forward, I have a new canvas and can create a fantastic painting.  Being envious is a waste of energy.  Even though high school graduation was 23 years ago, life still has many more adventures is store for me.  Like today.  Today is the adventure.

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